Superintendent's Office

Matt Stevenson, Superintendent

August, 2023

EJPS is . . . "A Great Place to Learn"

Dear Parents, Students and Community,

Welcome back to another great school year! As the 22-23 school year becomes a distant memory and the 23-24 school year is soon to be upon us, I have had time to reflect on the amazing year it has been having the opportunity to serve the great students, parents and community of East Jordan as your Superintendent.

As I look back at the great school year we had last year and develop a plan to make the next school year even better ….I think about that ability that we in education have to “start fresh”. We take time over the summer to look at what went well and what things we would like to change. Teachers have time to refine their craft and look at new ways to engage and inspire. Students get time to relax and recharge over the summer as they prepare to challenge themselves during another school year. And our custodial and maintenance crews……well…..they get to recharge as well. They get to recharge the school by cleaning carpets, painting walls, scrubbing floors, fixing equipment, changing light bulbs, varnishing gym floors. Yes, they work hard to make sure everything is ready for opening day. I am so glad that I get to be part of this rejuvenation process.

As I look ahead to what the year has in store…. I think of firsts. First days of school for our youngest Red Devils and all the excitement that goes with this for both kids and parents. I think of our new seventh graders that will be taking their first steps in the MS/HS and the exciting new opportunities that they will get to experience as they move on up. I also think of our seniors and their first day of their senior year. This is a bitter sweet thought as it is also their last “first day”. I think about the time and energy these students have put into their school career and the experiences that them and their families have had along the way. For all our students “Firsts” and “Lasts” …. take time to enjoy the ride. Make this year the best ever!

As we begin another school year, we look forward to you being a part of our East Jordan family and hope you become involved in our schools and community. East Jordan Public Schools is known for its incredible staff with their commitment to excellence. To those new to our school community, we are looking forward to your contributions to our students and team. We are so fortunate to have a school district for which we can be proud of--with students, staff, families and the community coming together to support our mission to be “A Great Place to Learn”.

In closing, please let me reaffirm that I know each of us can make a difference in the lives of our students. In our schools walk the future leaders and innovators of our community and nation. I am incredibly humbled to work with a great community, an incredible team of educators, staff, administration and school leaders as we work together to harness the energy of our youth and create the future for tomorrow.

With Red Devil PRIDE!

Matt Stevenson