Communities in School

Emily Christensen,

Chelsea Martin,

CIS Site Coordinators

East Jordan Elementary School 


Monica Rau

CIS Site Coordinator

East Jordan Middle/High School


Community In Schools Northwest Michigan logo with a colorful house


Whether it’s clean clothes, help with school work, or someone to talk to when things get tough, we do whatever it takes to connect students with the relationships and resources they need to succeed.


Unlike other programs that operate before or after school, our staff are in schools during the school day.  This allows us to partner with teachers, and see what’s going on in students’ lives and in the classroom.  Once we know what a student needs, we coordinate with the community – businesses, health care providers, and nonprofits – to bring outside resources inside schools and do whatever it takes to help students succeed.

How do we help students be successful?

At CIS we use variety of supports for students during the school day to help them reduce and overcome both academic and non-academic barriers to learning.  At East Jordan Elementary, CIS focuses on:

Basic Needs

Students aren’t at their best if they are hungry, cold, tired, or don’t have the necessities, like clothing, school supplies or hygiene items. CIS Site Coordinators see to it that students can focus on learning and teachers can focus on teaching.

Social Emotional Health

We want students to approach people and challenges in healthy ways. How do you learn to pay attention? Solve problems or conflicts with others? Be persistent in the face of frustration? Our students are learning these and other critical life skills thanks to effective CIS partners and volunteers.

Academic Assistance

CIS of Northwest Michigan concentrates on providing tutorial, remedial, and learning support programs. Sometimes students just need a little assistance to lift them to success. We connect students with the extra support they need to succeed.

Health Initiatives

Healthier children make better students. It’s hard to focus on math and reading if a student can’t see the blackboard, is suffering from a toothache, or absent because of untreated asthma. Addressing health needs with the help of our community partners gives students a healthy start and a healthy future, keeping them in school, focused, and ready to learn.