East Jordan Public Schools "A Great Place to Learn"

October 25, 2023

 Dear Board of Education, Staff, Students, and the Community of East Jordan:

After 26 years in the education profession, 16 spent here at East Jordan Public Schools, I am officially announcing my retirement, effective June 30, 2024. The district is academically and fiscally strong and ready for the next chapter and I am excited to see what those next pages will reveal. Personally, I am ready for the next challenge, the next road in life and I'm certainly looking forward to spending more time with my own family and catching up on some of those hobbies that have been on hold. 

As I look back on my time here, I can honestly say I have no regrets. I say this because I have been privileged to work with some of the most amazing, most compassionate, and highly committed administrators, teachers, staff, families, and students. The opportunity to provide leadership at both the building and the district level has been incredibly rewarding. Getting to know so many young people and watching them grow and prosper was the gift of a lifetime!

As the shadow of my career grows longer behind me, and my time left here at East Jordan dwindles, my overriding feeling is one of gratitude. Gratitude for:

1. A supportive school board who remained true to our mission of each and every child succeeding. Thank you for taking a chance on me and your continued support through ups and downs. 

2. An amazing staff, who pour themselves into their work, knowing that what they do matters, always searching for ways to improve, and always supporting our kids.

3. A community that always put children first and demonstrates their support in so many ways.

4. A family who loves me and whom I love with all my heart.

5. Friendships and relationships that have grown through the years.

As I reflect on my time in East Jordan, I am proud of our culture of collaboration and continuous learning and growth, leadership by guiding values and principles ensuring a constant and relentless focus on each child. The staff in our system understand that we need to be at our very best, every day, for our children and community. With that being said, my most fond memories will be of relationships with current and past staff and students, and the work we did on behalf of our kids.

I have also been very fortunate to work with terrific Boards of Education – true professionals who care deeply about this community and its children. The partnerships I have had with our current Board and previous Boards have always focused on unwavering commitment to student success, stewardship of our district, and service to this community. I am proud of our instructional improvement initiatives developed through comprehensive strategic planning and capital improvement projects that reflect this district's pride in its students and the importance of their educational experience, no matter if it is in the classroom, on the stage or in our athletic arenas. 

It has been an honor to collaborate with so many to ensure that our schools continue to move forward in serving students at the highest level. No organization can function properly without the dedicated staff members who ensure the health and safety of our kids, keep the lights on, the buses running, students fed and the bills paid. I recognize and appreciate your spirit, your work ethic as well as your unwavering commitment to students, staff, and the families you serve. I feel lucky and blessed to have worked with each of you!

In closing I recognize that I have much to be thankful for within the community of East Jordan. A community which has been incredibly good to me professionally and personally.  East Jordan has been a great place for my wife, Erin, and I to live, raise our children and call home. We look forward to continuing our support of young people and families in this beautiful town.

 With sincere gratitude,

 Matt Stevenson

Superintendent of Schools